Root 6 And Root 5 Thinking

In our previous lesson we discussed the concepts of moveable scale shapes and root 6 and root 5 thinking with the aid of a video. This may be a good time to review that video which can be done by clicking here. Otherwise, use the trainer below by clicking on all the little blue buttons until you can easily name any note on strings 6 and 5 using an exact letter name.

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Root 6 G Major: The G Type

Use the diagram just below to review your root 6 G major scale pattern that we introduced earlier in this course. This shape, the G Type, is called a root 6 scale pattern (or shape) because the lowest pitched root note of the scale is the G note found on the third fret of string 6.

Next, master the scale exercise just below. Treat it as a melody or an ear training song to be understood and heard correctly. This exercise is meant to be played in time and is designed for you to learn the sound of the root note in relationship to the rest of the scale.

Stretch Finger 4

When the G major scale form is transposed out of the open position the resulting fingering pattern occupies 5 consecutive frets. Of course, these 5 frets are being managed by 4 fingers so it is necessary, in this case, to use your fourth finger to stretch up one fret higher, temporarily out of position and then back to business as normal. Thinking of this move as a finger stretch and not a position shift makes it easier to stay in the scale pattern and not lose your way.

Transposition Trainer: G Type

The interactive diagram below is a study in ear training and scale technique. Using the playback buttons, play along with each of the three keys as illustrated. Make sure to get the exercise in your ear and play in perfect unison with the recordings as you memorize the shape and feel of this root 6 major scale pattern. Althopught there are three different keys represented here, every one of the scale patterne is still classified as the G Type.

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Important optional Fingering

The interactive diagram below is a study in transposing the industry standard G major scale up one octave from position I, the open position, to the 12th fret. To preserve the classic G major scale form you need to stretch your 4th finger up one fret, temporarily, to play the F# note, as illustrated below and at left. The alternate fingering, to the right, has you sliding your first finger back, temporarily, to fret XI, for the F# note. Neither one of theses fingerings is the right one or the best one because they can each have their own specific uses.

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melodic Study: 12th Street Rag

The video below is a scale and melodic instructional study of the all time classic, the 12th Street Rag, a standard and common knowledge tune among American jazz and blues musicians. Listen to the song before recreating it and of course print out the study material at the end of the lesson.

CLICK HERE to print out the study material for this lesson.
End Of Lesson Three